Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Welcome to my strange but wonderful world!

Hi! My name is Mike and I am a TV show addict and a movie buff. There are many things that I have a passion for in life like music, sports and eating and drinking etc etc. But all of them are over shadowed by my love of TV and Movies. I can think of fewer things I like to do than sit in my chair or lay in bed and watch a great TV show or an excellent movie. It's somewhat odd but it's my idea of a great time and has been as long as I can remember.

I've decided to start this blog (I have never blogged before so this is all completely new to me) to share my passion and opinions with the big wide world of the Internet. I thought for my opening post I'd share some of favourite TV shows of all time with you, and why I find them so awesome. I'll start off with my all time favourite.

The Sopranos

I have recently gone back and re-watched The Sopranos for about the ninth or tenth time from start to finish and it never gets old. James Gandolfini is just spectacular in his portrayal of New Jersey Mafia king pin Tony Soprano. In my humble opinion, as a whole, it is the best performance by an actor in a television series. A big call I know, but I have no doubts about it. The entire cast is brilliant and really make the script come to life and get you emotionally invested in what is happening to their characters which is a must for me if I'm going to watch a show. I know the ending was controversial but part of that was because I don't think people wanted the show to end, and I don't blame them. David Chase is my favourite TV writer because of this show.

Here is one of my favourite scenes:

I'll post more of my all time favourite shows as I continue with the blog.


Currently I'm watching many shows, as you can imagine. It's an addiction and I don't want help! I've taken a particular liking to Alcatraz so far - I have just started episode five and it's fair to say it's got me intrigued - very intrigued. The premise behind the show is solid, basically Wikipedia gives a good synopsis:
 "On March 21, 1963, over three hundred inmates and more than forty guards disappeared from the Alcatraz island prison without a trace. To cover up the disappearance, the government invented a cover story about the prison being closed, due to unsafe conditions, and the inmates were transferred. As a young guard in 1963, federal agent Emerson Hauser (Sam Neill) had been one of the first to discover the inmates missing. He now runs a secret government unit dedicated to finding the prisoners. In present-day San Francisco, the "63s" (as the inmates and guards are called) begin returning, having not aged at all. To help track them down and capture them, Hauser enlists police detective Rebecca Madsen (Sarah Jones) and doctor Diego Soto (Jorge Garcia), an expert on the history of Alcatraz. The 63s appear to be returning without memory of where they have been and with compulsions to find certain objects."
My favourite character by far at the moment is Dr Diego Soto. Jorge Garcia is doing a fantastic job in bringing his character to life and getting you emotionally invested in him. His goofiness and innocence adds a great balance to the very serious natures of Rebecca Madsen and Hauser. Sarah Jones gives very solid performances as Rebecca Madsen but nothing spectacular - it's almost like she hasn't completely embraced the character. The most disappointing aspect of the show for me is Sam Neill who is usually a very good actor. But here, it just feels like he's going through the motions and that the role isn't really inspiring him. Hopefully he picks up as the season goes on. Nonetheless I will be watching this show with great interest - there is potential for a spectacular show here from what I have seen so far, but one wrong turn could end in disaster.

Anyways that's all from me today - I'll be back soon with some more ramblings.


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