Monday, 20 February 2012


Hey Yo! Well I finished season one of Hell on Wheels, and in the end I was really impressed, as well as cursing that there were only 10 episodes in the season. I really had my doubts about this show as I mentioned in a previous post. Yet it ended up delivering in a big way around episode 5 and 6. The pace of the story really picked up as well as the intensity. As the characters back-stories were revealed, Anson Mount who plays the lead role Cullen Bohannan has really stepped up his game in a major way. The show is also providing some very memorable quotes: 

Bohannan: You want revenge?
Durrant: I want justice! 
Bohannan: Different words for the same thing.

Mrs Bell: Mr Bohannan has anyone every told you what an insufferable ass you are?
Bohannan: Yeah.

10 episodes weren't nearly enough for the first season, and I feel that's why we didn't get great back-stories till episode 5 as the writers wanted to try and cement the main story first. AMC has renewed the show for a second season. Hopefully the show's creators (The Gayton Brothers) will acknowledge the first seasons short comings and come back bigger and better later in the year.



Supernatural is another of my all-time favourite shows. It's one of the shows that my wife and I always watch together (Not because were scared! It's because we're both massive fans!). The best thing about Supernatural is the way it mixes Drama and Comedy; no show in my opinion does it better. It really is a wild ride that makes you feel like you're right there, with the Winchester brothers and the crew. 

I've mentioned story archs previously and this is another show that uses them really well throughout a 24 episode season. As a viewer it is made clear what the main storyline is in the first few episodes. Then you are taken on the aforementioned wild ride. The writers and creators do a great job to mix up the tone of episodes, also to take you off the beaten track every few episodes so the main story line doesn't pound you to death and you feel refreshed and ready to get back to it.

Could you imagine anyone else playing Sam and Dean Winchester other than Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles? No? I didn't think so. Ackles and Padalecki have done such a fantastic job making these characters their own, that if I'm watching another show and happen to see either of them in I'll yell out "Hey that's Sam!" or "Holy shit that's Dean!". They are probably the best current acting duo on television.

Supernatural fans that I have come across are dedicated and fanatical. There's a reason for this and it's simple! It's a bloody good show! 

The most underrated aspect of the show I feel is the supporting cast. Jim Beaver who plays Bobby Singer (also the name of one of the producers of the show) is brilliant and provides a great counter point in the episodes he appears in. Misha Collins who comes in the series around season 4 playing the Angel Castiel. Collins I feel is a vastly underrated asset to the show; he has a great acting range and is able to deliver on the dramatic aspects as well as the comedic side of things.

I've told you this before, but if you haven't seen it get out there and watch it!

That's from me today.

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