Wednesday, 11 April 2012

One does not simply not watch Game of Thrones

Hey yo! I've just starting watching The Tudors last night with my wife. And wow! We only watched the first episode but I can tell it's going to be a hell of a fun ride for the next four seasons.

Ever since I was a little tacker all things medieval have fascinated me. Which is why it's no surprise that my favourite show at the moment is Game of Thrones.

Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones is a HBO series based on George R. R. Martin's series of five fantasy novels, the first of which is A Game of Thrones. I've been telling anyone who will listen for the past year or so, that you must watch this show! Go now do it! Watch it! You'll love it! As usual here is the plot outline according to IMDB:
"Seven noble families fight for control of the mythical land of Westeros. Political and sexual intrigue is pervasive. The dominant families are the Houses Stark, Lannister, and Baratheon. Robert Baratheon, King of Westeros, asks his old friend Eddard, Lord Stark, to serve as Hand of the King, or highest official. Secretly warned that the previous Hand was assassinated, Eddard accepts in order to investigate further. Meanwhile the Queen's family, the Lannisters, may be hatching a plot to take power. Across the sea, the last members of the previous and deposed ruling family, the Targaryens, are also scheming to regain the throne. The friction between these clans, and with the remaining great Houses Greyjoy, Tully, Arryn, and Tyrell, leads to full-scale war. All while a very ancient evil awakens in the farthest North. Amidst the war and political confusion, a neglected military order of misfits."
It sounds like a lot to take in right? And it is, but once you start watching it you pick up the all the lore very easily and the Game of Thrones website is a valuable resource for those wanting to know more. Or hey! You could read the books! The awesomeness never seems to end!

I know I'm sounding like I want to take this show to bed with me, but it is that damn good! Great acting, great writing, brilliant story, awesome production and Sean Bean! . What more could you want? Sean Bean is the the pinnacle actor of everything fantasy related. If your going to create a really awesome fantasy movie or TV show it must have Sean Bean in it! See LOTR.

Peter Dinklage is another brilliant part of the show. He plays the part of the very entertaining imp Tyrion Lannister. Dinklage did such a great job that he won the Emmy last year for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series. You'd be a brave person to claim that he didn't deserve it.

The show has just started its second season, and episode 2 has just screened recording amazing ratings (the season 2 premiere had gross audience of 8.3 million viewers). On the back of this HBO has acted quickly and signed the show up for a third season (full article). This, of course, is a no brainer move for HBO - this show is making them a lot of money and raking up huge ratings.

To sum up this show will go down as one of the greatest TV shows ever. It really is compelling viewing, I implore anyone who hasn't seen it to watch it then shoot me a message or comment and let me know just how right I am!

That's it from me today. So much TV to watch and so many opinions to voice. I'm really enjoying writing this blog and I hope those of you that are reading it are enjoying it as well.



Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Story Time

Hey Yo! Wow there's been a lot going on in the world of TV! I find myself rarely watching movies anymore, because the TV shows that are out there today are so bloody good!

I've just finished Spartacus season 2. Which really isn't a masterpiece but it is a visual masterpiece - think 300 level violence. It's just one of those shows that you're sitting there watching and thinking to yourself "Wow this isn't a very well-told story but why can't I stop watching?!?!?"

Once Upon a Time

Another new show I've started watching is Once Upon a Time. I've heard nothing but good things about this show and decided to give it a go, and I'm not disappointed. I'm only up to episode 6 and it's a really cool show with a great premise. IMDB sums up the plot very well:

"Emma Swan gets the surprise of her life when Henry, the son she gave up 10 years ago, arrives on her doorstep. Returning the boy to his adoptive mother becomes complicated when Henry reveals a stunning theory to Emma. Everyone in Storybrooke, Maine is a fairytale character under a curse, and Emma - as the long lost daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming - is the one who can save them all. The story unfolds; interweaving scenes of the drama in the sleepy New England town and the the inhabitants' past lives in the world of fairy tales. The timeless battle of good vs evil is ready to begin again"
Right from the get go you are introduced to the main storyline (which is one of the most creative ideas for a TV show) and it is explained clearly. Then throughout each episode so far the story goes in depth into each different character and their back story and how it is effecting them in the "new reality". As well as continuing the main storyline of the show.

As far as acting goes it's a very solid cast thus far. The two standouts have been the lead role Emma Swan played by Jennifer Morrison, she has really embraced her part leading to excellent performances. We all know how important a lead role is and Morrison has done it justice and should continue to do an excellent job, and has the potential to land even bigger roles in the future. The second standout is Robert Carlyle who plays the dual role of Mr Gold and Rumpelstiltskin. Carlyle is doing a great job and the secondary villain as part of the main storyline. As Mr Gold he plays a cold and calculating villain, and as Rumpelstiltskin (well, we all know the story of Rumpelstiltskin) the crazy magical man who loves the make deals with people which will eventually always come out in his favour.

So far I really don't have a bad thing to say about the show. My only advice would be to watch the first episode closely and attentively otherwise you may find yourself a little lost. I really look forward to watching the rest of this season as I've heard Brad Dourif who is one of my favourite actors, has a role in an upcoming episode which I am very excited to see.


There's been a lot going on in TV land lately. Game of Thrones is finally back and the first two episodes have been brilliant, I'll go further in depth on the show later. True Blood and Sons of Anarchy have been gearing up for their return in August. I'll have more for you soon!